An update for you after the start of the term and information about a three international competitions.
Firstly: Leicester City are again playing football at home on Tuesday 1st March, our standard recommendation applies: please leave home early and be prepared for parking/drop off issues for the duration of the evening.
Secondly: The BFA have updated their saftey rules for female fencers regarding chest protectors; plastic cups in the front of your jacket are now only acceptable for steam fencing. If you are facing an electric sword at the club or at competition you must be wearing a full chest protector, we are aiming to get some more of these for the club in the near future however it’s a good idea to invest in one of these for yourself or your fencer. You can grab them here from Leon Paul or here from PBT.
Thirdly: It has been noticed lately that people have been fencing on the electric boxes without breeches on, again this is a safety requirement as all outer clothing must be of 350 newton standard when fencing electric. We have plenty for you to borrow so please ensure you are wearing your own or change into some of ours prior to hooking up to the electrics.
Fourth: We are again running a coaches education day! On Sunday 20th March if you want to further your fencing with teaching towards a coaches qualification come down to the leisure centre at 10am to get started. This is open to fencers external to LFC for a fee of £20 for 6hrs or if you’re a LFC member paying by standing order it’s just £5 for the day! Please note in order to take this course you must have completed at least grade 3 and be over the age of 18.
Finally: See below for the information of some competitions we’ve been invited to, if you wish to apply please let us know and if enough people are interested we will look at booking travel and accommodation as a group.
19 & 20 March 2016 – Canterbury, UK
The Invicta Open
The Invicta has developed from a small provincial foil competition to a truly international 6-weapon event. It has earned an enviable reputation as a hard-fought but friendly competition with an excellent atmosphere, welcoming everybody from near beginners to regular open finalists, and has an exceptional venue at UKC.
16 & 17 April 2016 – Isle of Man
We have been invited to join Dixie Grammar School at a competition on The Isle of Man in a competition where they have some spare spaces for cadets Under 12 and Under 14 to fence Foil, they must hold at minimum grade 2 to apply. The trip will be be fully chaperoned by the school so if you are interested please speak to Chris, David or Bex & they will find out more information to provide to you.

St Paul Malta Open Fencing Competition
The Malta Open started 19 years ago as a friendly encounter with British fencers. Today it has developed in a friendly international tournament and over the years have attracted fencers from other countries such as Italy, Spain,
France, Germany, Azerbaijan, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Macedonia and Austria.